Love your project, Patricia.

For the extensive interview page—which I hope will grow even richer over time—do you think adding larger previews over full texts might make navigation easier? Titles could still remain selectable in the left bar.

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Thank you, Anna! ❤️

I plan to upgrade the page in the future. Maybe I’ll publish each interview separately and use larger previews. For now, though, not all interviews are published here on Substack as standalone posts. When they are, they’re often accompanied by my personal essays. I used to have this archive on Ghost, but I decided not to continue that subscription and to use Substack exclusively for my writing and also for the interviews.

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I subscribed - I'm enjoying reading your posts Patricia. Apropos flaneurs and dérives have you read Ian Sinclair's book Lights Out for the Territory? https://archive.org/details/lightsoutforterr0000sinc/mode/2up He traces the city's history, dark and light, even the pagan sites Hawksmoor's churches were built over. And talking of London there's a wonderful psycho-geographical film by Patrick Keiller called London (1992). I've lived in several cities myself; Liverpool (19 yrs), Birmingham (15 yrs), Kuala Lumpur (3 months) and Bristol (20 yrs).

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Hi Steve! Thank you for subscribing and for sharing that book with me - I’ve heard of it and plan to read it in the coming months. I'll be in London in June. It’s not my first time there, I try to visit at least once a year. It’s a fascinating city for walking - so much to take in and so many stories everywhere.

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